
It's raining, it's pouring, what types of butts are contouring?

Hey Guys,

It's Saturday. I am working. It's raining. Waap Waap right?

On paper today seems like a bust, but what is the silver lining? I have another butt post to share! Now I must admit this one is difficult.... very challenging.... only the butt experts can truly decipher the subtle difference been this here butt crack and, well,  just bodyfoldz. Like many other posts have pointed out, this image could be any part of the (human) anatomy... (I have yet to figure out how to use any other animals and their respective body parts to create their own finger (paw?) butt. I welcome any and all suggestions on how to achieve this). SO WHAT IS IT? 

Also, while I am on a posting roll, I would like to extend an invitation to my few friends / random readers. I want a tasteful picture of your butt. or finger butt. Whatever YOU feel comfortable with, really. 

Please e-mail any and all images to:

Yes. That's right. I created an e-mail account, since I know how shy you all are. Just let me know if your image is a butt or finger butt (or not, I like to guess too) and of course let me know how much you love the blog. just kidding. ROFLMAO! right?

I am waiting with bated breath for your submissions. 

The Butt Master.